Fengjing Water Town: A Glimpse of Ancient China

Well, I got what I wanted this weekend:


Those of you that have been following this blog know that since I moved to Shanghai, I have grown a little concerned about the lack of Chinese and historical stuff I’ve found in the city. This weekend I got my first glimpse of Ancient China on a day trip to the old water town of Fengjing, a 45 minute bus ride from the urban metropolis of Shanghai. img_9014img_9013


I’d been hearing about these old water towns in this part of China since I got here. Shanghai and the nearby cities of Suzhou and Hangzhou make up the “Golden Triangle” of historical cities in this region collectively referred to as “The Venice of the East”. Built around the Yangtze River Delta- the biggest river in China and third longest in the world- and with the East China Sea nearby, it is and always has been a veritable water-world around here. The villages were built hundreds of years ago around a canal system that has remained intact despite the passing of the centuries and the additions of modern infrastructure.hipstamaticphoto-547359213.350951


Water, water, everywhere

The star of this blog post will be the pictures that I took and not the words that I write. The town was beautiful beyond words. I got quite camera-happy there. It seemed like every photo I took could pass for a watercolor painting.


It was the perfect day and the perfect setting. I expected to be battling crowds as the water towns are a tourist destination and we were there on the weekend, but it turns out Fengjing is one of the lesser known water towns, and much to my surprise and delight we were the only (western) foreigners walking around that day. It didn’t feel like we were in a famous tourist spot at all. It rained lightly on and off, just enough to keep us cool and somehow, emphasizing the aquatic nature of this place and making it even more peaceful and serene. hipstamaticphoto-547362070.584877hipstamaticphoto-547362287.256768

I was looking for something reminiscent of Ancient China, and I got it. People started living in this area around 2,000 years ago. In around 1275, it formally became a town. It has 52 bridges and the oldest one dates back to the Yuan Dynasty- nearly 700 years old.


More bridges than there are streets


A mural depicting life in Ancient Fengjing

The main square was a feast for the eyes, displaying the type of Chinese architecture I had been hoping to see, as well as statues, flowers, and red tags with wishes from past visitors tied to the trees, wishing prosperity and good luck to friends, relatives, and China. Red is quite obviously China’s favorite color, everything traditionally Chinese is adorned in red, a symbol not just of the patriotism (the country’s flag) but also good luck and prosperity

Ancient Chinese Architecture


Red tags tied to the trees carrying wishes for good luck and prosperity



Lunch was a cultural immersion all of it’s own, we decided to bravely sample the most typical dishes of the town, despite how far from our Western tastes and familiarity they diverted. I tried things I never expected to try in my life, including something called a “century egg”- an egg that is fermented in soy sauce for a period of several weeks to several months, eel, small fishes with the eggs still inside of them, pork thigh with gelatin in it…

Pork thigh and you can see everything: Including the skin and the gelatin


Our very Chinese spread, with a plate of eel from the local river in the foreground

Other local specialties that I did not try include roasted toads and the yolk of a goose egg with a strip of pork and a strip of pork fat, wrapped up and steamed for a few hours inside of a banana leaf:

Roasted Toads: A local specialty

The preserved yolks of goose eggs and strips of pork and pork fat, delicately prepared 


Owing to the predominantly aquatic nature of this town, people- not just tourist but the people who live and work in Fengjing- still get around by hand-controlled boat. After spending the morning walking around the narrow alleys, lanes, and bridges by foot, after lunch we hopped aboard one of the “Chinese gondolas” to see Fengshing from the water.

 The Chinese version of the Gondola



Chinese Ink Paintings, underneath the bridges

It was refreshing to find such a beautiful and well preserved piece of ancient Chinese history so close to one of the largest cities on the planet, a world away from the life I have been experiencing in Shanghai. I had a feeling that I wouldn’t have to go far to find it. Fengjing is just one of many such towns, and that is only in this one part of China. There is still an enormous country, almost as big as my own, with one of the oldest cultures known to us, to get to know.  I’ve only just begun to breach the surface of what there is to discover here, and considering I have (at least) 14 more months here, that is very exciting to think about. hipstamaticphoto-547362979.465095hipstamaticphoto-547362840.149559hipstamaticphoto-547363028.212096hipstamaticphoto-547350191.037433

The Ghosts of What Used to Be Here: Reflections After a Stroll Through the Center of Shanghai

So, as I began writing in my last post, today is Labor Day, a bank holiday in China, and the last day of my three day weekend. I decided to stay close to home in the quieter, residential part of the city where I am currently staying in a hotel right next to my school. Yesterday, I was feeling motivated to go out and do some sight seeing since I had three days off and nothing much else to do. I figured I should take at least one day to go see what Shanghai had to offer.

As I patiently attempted to load Google Maps (oh, how I miss the easiness of Googling things!) so I could browse around and figure out where I wanted to go, I noticed “Times Square Shanghai” on the map. I wondered to myself what the “Times Square Shanghai” might be like when every big and bright intersection I have seen here reminded me of that famous NYC landmark. What might set this one apart? Not much, I was to discover (except that it is home to the World’s Largest Starbucks that I mentioned in my first China post.) So far, it seems like everything in the center of Shanghai reminds me of Times Square in New York.

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Times Square Shanghai by day and by night. Most intersections in the center of Shanghai look this way (minus the multi-level Starbucks)


What’s wrong with this picture? Why isn’t it reminding me more of China, or at least, the Orient? I started to get the creepy sensation that there used to be some pretty important historical Chinese stuff around here. Shanghai is the biggest city in China by a long shot, shouldn’t it have some representation of Chinese culture? What did they do with all of it? Where did it go? And without even knowing what was there before, I found myself feeling sad for the loss of it, and even in some way a bit guilty, because I knew deep down it was the influence of my own culture- the culture of consumerism that was born in the USA- that ultimately resulted in this.

The United States is a much newer country than China of course, so the culture of consumerism that defines places like NYC and LA is our culture in a way. But here, it isn’t, and something doesn’t feel right.

Last week, I walked past an enormous and important Chinese temple without even noticing it until a friend pointed out, because it was so overshadowed by flashing lights and fashion malls. At the street level, you only see high-end designer clothing and shoe shops. Unless you are high up in one of the surrounding malls or skyscrapers or it’s night time and the temple is lit up, you can’t even see it.

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Jinang Temple by day and by night. At the street level, you would not know there is a major historical site around here, it is taken over by consumerism and towering skyscrapers.


I quickly realized that if shopping wasn’t something that I was interested in, there was little reason for me to be out in the center of Shanghai that day with the hoards of crowds that were eager to spend their holiday weekend purchasing. I walked into a couple of the malls just to see what they looked like on the inside (and to grab something familiar to eat at a salad bar: Read about the Stinky Tofu incident) and every time I was taken aback by the sheer spectacle of it all. The wealth, the luxury, and the enormity of each one of them, left me in shock.


You are about 1,000 times more likely to see something like this in the center of Shanghai than anything traditionally Chinese

Squeezing my way through the masses and pushing past crowds and every kind of storefront you can imagine, I began to regret my decision to put myself in this mess on what was supposed to be my relaxing holiday weekend. And I started to think about something else that was demanding my attention even more than those flashing, electric billboards: Overpopulation.

Everyone knows that China has an overpopulation problem. The two things are almost synonymous. China is the most populated country in the world. Despite having appointed a military strategist to tackle the problem a few decades ago (the infamous “One Child Policy” that caused far more harm and tragedy than it did good. Military strategists should probably stick to planning military strategies and not solving humanitarian crises), overpopulation is still a very real problem in China. And for the first time since I have been here, it felt very real to me.

I thought back to the last place that I traveled to where this was a strikingly obvious problem: Africa, and I felt inspired to finish a blog post that I started to write when I was there about that subject. I thought a lot about Africa that day and how I had a similar feeling in the face of such blatant and shocking overpopulation like I had never seen it before. But there is a big difference between overpopulation in Africa where people are struggling to get food and water and living somewhat primitively, and overpopulation in a place where people are living by first world standards like they are in major cities in China. Overpopulation of a culture that is this obsessed with consumerism takes a heavy, heavy toll on the planet.


Overpopulation in the first world: When everyone wants to consume.

Can the world sustain this much consumerism, if a country as populated as China becomes so strong economically that more and more of it’s people can afford the luxuries of a first world lifestyle? The activist and the environmentalist inside of me began to seriously worry. There’s nothing that I can do about it other than hope and pray that China does it’s part to off-set the damage. I know they are doing some things (I think they are cooperating much more with worldwide environmental initiatives than our current administration so, thank God for that!) When I planned that Earth day presentation for class last Saturday I learned a lot about China’s recycling system and some of the Green Initiatives the country is taking, which will be the subject of a future blog post as I learn more.

I was relieved to arrive back at my quieter corner of the city when I got home that day, but I was still taking in everything that I had just witnessed on my afternoon in the center and all the things that it made me think about: about China’s role in the world and ours, and Africa, and how we all affect each other: whether it’s consumerism or environmentalism. I am sure that Shanghai is the exception to the rule here and that as soon as I start to venture and explore outside this city, I will discover what real China is like. Big, cosmopolitan cities like Shanghai tend to be more of a representation of society than they are of the culture of the country they are located in, so it makes sense that my day out in Shanghai got me thinking about the world at large and how connected we all are.

Confessions of an Ex-Travel Junkie

I have a confession to make. This “forget about everything else that’s standing in your way and travel the world” thing- it isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. It’s not all that I’ve cracked it up to be.

In the true spirit of the travel blogger, I have been pushing this idea for a long time that anybody can travel the world just like me. They can, and they should, because in fact, it’s not as difficult as you think and you only live once, so, quit making excuses and just, go!

You wouldn’t catch me dishing out advice like that to anyone these days. I’ve been silent on the blog for a while now as I’ve found myself in the thick of a serious change of heart and perspective in this regard, which has resulted in a change of direction in my life.


Traveling Carly is very, very tired

Of course, I know that I am not in any kind of position to complain about having been priveleged enough to sustain long term travel for all of these years. But I would like to share some or the hard realties of this lifestyle (the “confessions”) because I think it is often overly-glorified on social media and made to look like this is a glamorous and carefree life, the life of the #traveladdict, when it’s not. Like anything else in life, it has it’s ups and the downs that come along with them.

I laugh to myself when I come across images of exotic places on Instagram accompanied by the hashtag “travel addict” or “travel OD”. I’ve been there. If anyone can call themselves a travel addict, it’s this girl right here. The word “addiction” has negative connotations for a reason. It indicates the abuse or misuse of something that is supposed to be done in moderation or recreationally, and when taken to the extremes it can result in a loss of touch with reality. A travel addiction is no different.



I guess that I, like many other millennials and digital nomads of my time, have been trying to make travel work as a lifestyle because I am part of the first generation to have this possibility available to them: to work from a laptop and live wherever you want, at a time when travel is cheaper and the world more accessible than it has ever been. So why wouldn’t I? All these years and countries and flights later, I can give you more than a few reasons.

When I came home from my last backpacking trip through South America- just about a year ago now- I was unwell in many senses of the word. I was in debt. While I have boasted about having figured out how to make money as I traveled around the word by working from my laptop as a Digital Nomad, that’s not as easy to pull off as I made it sound, and I ended up having to exhaust all of my savings and put the rest on credit cards.

It’s probably easier to work full time if you are ok with staying in one location that is close to a reliable and strong internet connection to work from, but a lot of the most exciting places to travel to are not like that. No, that wasn’t what I had in mind. I wanted to move around and see entire continents while I worked from my laptop. That required me to plan my work around my travel when it should have been the other way around. This is one of many instances of my falling out of touch with reality because of an addiction to travel.

You give up a lot for the “freedom” that comes with never being tied down anywhere. I always feel weird complaining about this to my friends, like it’s not allowed. I know what they’ll think: How can you complain about getting to travel all the time? How dare you complain to those of us who bust our butts working a 9-5 every day while you are out discovering the world and seeking new thrills? Recently I opened up about it to a friend of mine who I was visiting in Spain, and my desire and struggle to phase into a more stable lifestyle after all these years of wandering the world. She listened silently while I worried what she was thinking. “You know, I just can’t imagine,” she said after some relflection. “When I go on vacation, at the end when it’s time to go home I feel so happy that I get to return home and sleep in my own bed and be in my own house. It must be so uncomfortable to just never get to do that.” I wanted to reach over and hug her. She gets it, I sighed with relief. 


Freedom comes at a cost

There is a certain stigma we attach to the idea of “settling down”. Like when you choose to settle down, that’s when life starts to get boring. Yet, there is something to be said for the stability that comes with settling down. Bloggers and #traveladdicts will boast about how in love they are with their routine of constant change, and I wonder how truthful they are really being- both to themselves and the audience that they are boasting to. Anyone who has gone on vacation knows how inherently unpredictable travel can be. Imagine living in that state constantly.

Of course, life can be unpredictable for all of us, but when you are moving about unknown territory, it’s a given. At the same time that you are beginning to learn the lay of the land, new obstacles are continually being thrown in your way. Just when you think you’re getting the hang of things, it’s time to move on again. Yes, has it’s thrills as well or we wouldn’t do it, but accumulatively, over the years it’s exhausting and unsettling. I wouldn’t call it “good for the soul” when taken to this extreme. I would never say that I “found myself” traveling, like so many set out to do. Far from it! There came a point when I was feeling beyond lost, so lost that I could not go on and had to stop and think about where I was really trying to go in my life. Everything that I had seen and done so far felt so ultimately, aimless.

I’m glad that I spent my 20’s traveling, I mean, how can I say that I regret seeing as much of the world as I have? But it has come at a cost. Not just financially. It’s been hard on my relationships, meaning, I haven’t been able to have them. Before I can start to develop something meaningful with someone it’s usually about time for one of us to leave. That’s been hard because as the years go by, I find myself longing for that companionship. But the kind of people you meet traveling usually aren’t looking for that. If they are not traveling with their partner already, they are usually pretty attached to their own freedom while they’re on the road.

It’s been hard on my family as they wonder how things are going to turn out for me. More than anything, it has been hard on me emotionally. An old confidant of mine once reminded me that “the outer world is always reflective of the inner.” I don’t know if any words had ever rang so true. My surroundings were unstable and constantly changing, and that’s how I felt inside. The excitement of never knowing what was next lost it’s luster and feelings of anxiety began creeping in. I knew I had to take my life in a new direction.

In the next post I will reveal the new direction that I have found and how I got there. But I do want emphasize one more time that while my “confessions” sound melancholic, that’s because the purpose of the post is to discuss the negative parts of the nomadic lifestyle that I have been living, because I don’t think that many people ever do. I wanted to honestly offer up another perspective: that it’s not as carefree and glamorous as it looks in the travel blogs and on Instagram. Of course there were plenty of beautiful, amazing, unforgettably positive experiences too, and I wouldn’t take any of it back, the good or the bad. Joni Mitchell sang it best, that “Life is for Learning”, and that’s just what I’ve been doing. 





Africa: The New Frontier

Like so many of the places I have visited the last couple years, when I started planning my first big trip to Africa, it raised some doubts and concerns from my family, and myself of course.  Even though I was visiting a dear friend that has been living here for the last three years, and I have a lot more experience now traveling through sub developed countries than I did a few years ago, you still never know exactly what you will find when you get there. While I know it is usually not as intense or scary when you visit a place first hand as it tends to be portrayed on the news, you still can’t help but carry those ideas in your mind and wonder if they will end up affecting you.

Such is the case with Africa. I think there are two ways we tend to view Africa as outsiders.  Either as that far-off, exotic continent that conjures up wild, romantic notions of “Born Free”, ¨The Lion King¨, and other beloved tales of adventure. Or we hear Africa and we think of a dangerous place wrought with political unrest, civil wars, poverty, famine, and lacking any kind of infrastructure. Delving into these juxtapositions as I travel here has provoked millions of questions inside of me. No place I have ever been to has piqued my interest and curiosity about how our world works quite like Africa has.

All of my questions stem primarily from this one: How did such an enormous, outstandingly beautiful continent so rich in natural resources and treasures- the cradle of mankind- fall so far behind in the world?


Perhaps this map provides some clues: It is scaled to show the accurate representation of the size of the continents in the world. Africa is actually much bigger than it appears on the maps and globes we grew up with, which were laid out by European colonists.

While I am learning a lot as I talk to more people, ask more questions, and do my own research about what happened here over the centuries, I have to remind myself that my intention is to write a blog post about my trip and not a study guide about the history and politics of Africa. Today I will focus on the fun part of this trip, because it is really, really fun.

Why don´t I start with all of the surprises. The awesome thing about going to a place not sure what to expect is the all the potential there is to be pleasantly and wonderfully surprised. In the first place, it is so fertile and green here. We were all expecting some drought-ridden savannah like we see in the movies, but drought is not a problem (where we are anyways). Apparently it is unusual for it to be raining this time of year, the rains usually stop in December.

The land around Kilimanjaro is primarily sunflower fields which they use to make sunflower oil. 

Some warm hot springs near Kilimanjaro that we visited. We had the pools all to ourselves as monkeys leapt above our heads. hipstamaticphoto-537297052.527984

The scenery is incredibly lush and ideal for growing crops. Which leads me to our next surprise… how awesome the food is here! I did not expect anything from African food at all but the food we have been eating here is some of the best I have tried anywhere. Literally every meal has been a culinary delight. So many fusions flavors blending Indian, Asian and traditional African, and such a wide variety of vegetables. Everything is prepared so nicely and no one has gotten sick.

Lamb spare ribs and grilled octopus with salad and fries. Pork is not so big here since it is a primarily muslim country. I ate octopus every day we were in Zanzibar. 

Zanzibar: I knew nothing of Zanzibar before coming here, but if you find yourself in this part of the world, Zanzibar is a must. A very large island just off the northern coast of Tanzania and a 20 minute flight from the capital, Zanzibar has a very different vibe from the mainland (as islands tend to have). With picture perfect white sand beaches, nearby coral reefs to explore with more species of colorful fish than I have seen anywhere, and a plethora of exquisite seafood dishes to be tried, it is a veritable paradise.

Fishing is, of course, the main industry here, along with tourism now. Stone Town or Zanzibar City is the main hub for boats and is interesting to check out for the history of the place, shopping, and eating. The best beaches, however, are found on other parts of the island.

Stone Town 

The most famous beaches are located on the east side of the island. Our first stop after Stone Town was Kiwenwga, a beach that has been taken over by an Italian expat community. The locals could all speak Italian, presumably to have better employment opportunities. They can make awesome pizza and sell things like nutella and olives. We even went out to some Italian-owned nightclubs. For this reason, it wouldn’t be the first beach I would recommend. There was a very obvious divide between the Italians and other wealthy tourists and local people- obvious as in there was literally a wall separating the two. So that was a bit sad. The beach was beautiful, nonetheless.

Our beach house a Kiwengwa

Nungwi is the beach you have to go to. Located on the northernmost tip of the island, it is the only beach in Zanzibar that you can swim in all day long. The other beaches are in low tide half of the day, exposing sea urchins and rocks on the floor that make beach exploring difficult. Nungwi is stunningly beautiful and super chill, with fantastic eateries that stretch out into the water and sugar white sand. It is a favorite spot for kite surfers, and also the place were they make the dhow fishing boats. You can watch them build the boats on the beach! You can also go out in one for quite cheap on an all day snorkel trip. We paid 20 dollars each for a day trip to the coral reef, including lunch on board of grilled fish and all of our snorkeling equiptment. Did I mention the grilled octopus galore? We loved Nungwi.


Kilimanjaro: The two main reasons why people come to Tanzania are for Kilimanjaro and safari. Even the two most popular tanzanian beers are named after these things, respectively. Hemingway frequented this place which fueled the fire for some of the stories of his later years. We were surprised to learn that it is not as easy to spot the snows of Kilimanjaro as he made it out to be. Besides being the tallest mountain in Africa, it is famous for being snow capped year round despite its position practically on top of the equator. Sadly, the only way to guarantee you will see those snows is to hike to the top of it, which takes a lot of preparation and about a weeks worth of trekking. The locals call her a ¨shy girl¨ because she tends to hide behind the clouds, only rearing her snowy head on rare, clear occasions. We still have not seen her yet, because we didn’t have the time or frankly, the desire, to go all the way to the top. Even from 2800 meters high at the first hut, we still couldn’t see her. It was raining far too heavily. We all felt glad we were not hiking all the way to the top in such conditions.

We arrived at the first hut, Mandara, freezing cold and soaking wet. We struggled to warm up as we ate lunch and waited for the rain to slow down. It never did and we hiked back down in heavy rains, drenched and freezing. img_7282

On the way back to Moshi after our treacherous hike, our guide suggested we stop in Marangu village at the base of the mountain to try a local specialty: banana beer. That ended up being the highlight of the day. To begin with, this was the bar that we stopped at off the main road and hidden behind sunflowers and banana trees:

Yep, the lady in the blue is the bartender, that is her bar and her homemade banana beer, which is nothing like you expect beer to be. This was a ḧomebrew in the most primitive sense, made the way they must have made beer way back in the day. It was creamy and even chewy, due to the millet and banana that it was made of. I know it sounds crazy but, we actually enjoyed it! It was served in little buckets, we shared a bucket of it around the back of the bar where the locals were hanging out. Even better than drinking the beer itself was getting to be in this very local bar/urban garden. Despite not being able to speak the same language, everyone in the bar talked to us and we actually made some new friends that day.

I will admit at first, we were skeptical.

The locals were happy to have us join them

The traditional dress here, and I am talking about the women especially, is just beautiful. So many colors and patterns, the things that they can do with one piece of material just boggle my mind. It can be a hair wrap, a skirt, a dress, a shirt, you name it. The clothing and jewelry of the local women are truly a sight to behold, not to mention their ability to carry pretty much anything on their heads. I have seen ladies carrying piles of firewood, huge baskets of fruit, sacks of grains, jugs of water, you name it. If it isn’t alive and moving around they can probably carry it on their head.

Women and children work hard here- from what I’ve seen, they are working much harder than the men, who often work more sedentary jobs that supposedly bring home the money. Children are shepherds. I have seen so many little kids off on their own moving huge groups of goats and cows, without an adult in sight. I often see women tending to the fields in addition to all this heavy head-lifting. Men are supposed to be the ones bringing home the money but I question whether that is really the case. There are certainly clearly defined roles in society for men, women and children, and they do not overlap.img_7421

Well, the next segment of my journey will be covering SAFARI, but it will take a whole separate post for that. Stay tuned!

L.A.- My Kinda America 

Back in the day, I used to be obsessed with spinning my mom’s Neil Young records. There was a particular album, “Time Fades Away”, that I religiously put on in the mornings as I got ready to face another daunting day of high school. I remember crooning along to my favorite song as I did- “L.A. Uptight. City in the smog, city in the Smog”. He repeated the line many times in that song, so all these years later I knew of at least one thing to expect when I got to Los Angeles: that’s right, air pollution. And that it did deliver, but ironically, the City in the Smog turned out to be a much-needed breath of fresh air for me in a time when the atmosphere of our nation is feeling so heavy with hate.


Neil tells it like it is (and was)

While, unfortunately, the air quality of Los Angeles has not improved in the last half-century or so since the song was written, I’d like to think that we’ve come a long way as far as civil rights and equality are concerned over the years. Yet sadly, this belief of mine came under fire when the week before my trip, our country was rattled by the events of Charlottesville, Virginia, after a sickening outcry of hate ended in tragedy.

Like so many Americans, I was disturbed to learn that what I thought were our basic, American values have become so unraveled in these tense times our country is facing that a public display of racism and hate of this magnitude could actually occur here in the present day.  We saw that backwards, nationalistic ideas that should be long dead are being kept alive and well by groups of people who, under the current administration, have felt even more emboldened in their evil and outdated beliefs. So emboldened that now they are crawling out of the woodwork and showing their faces. Past leaders of this country fought hard to eradicate such inhumane ways of thinking and build a nation where all men are created equal, but the current one has managed to give supremacists a voice again. In my lifetime, I haven’t seen the United States so sharply divided as it is now. I shuddered watching the news that week, troubled and wondering, “what is happening in my country?”

It was with these thoughts circulating in my mind and my heart heavy for my country and the world that I took off to see my best friend Melissa in L.A., knowing that seeing her was sure to make my spirits soar as it always does. And that it did, but this time for reasons other than just how much fun we have when we are together.hipstamaticphoto-525242412.210721

The purpose of this trip was strictly for spending some quality time with my best friend, but because my best friend is so awesome, she took it upon herself to make sure I got the real, L.A. experience. For her, that isn’t Hollywood. She wanted to give me a glimpse of the Los Angeles that she grew up in- the glimpse that became the “breath of fresh air” which inspired this post.


A (metaphorical, of course) breath of fresh, LA air

My friend grew up in an immigrant family in Pasadena. She was born in China but moved to the U.S. when she was four. She is in every way as American as me- in fact, we met each other as fellow American English teachers in Spain and immediately bonded in that way that fellow expats tend to do while abroad. That bond has gone above and beyond your average expat camaraderie: we have remained best friends since the years we taught in Spain, making sure to speak regularly and not let more than a year go by without seeing each other. This year, that visit happened in LA.


I think because of her background and our shared interest in travel and diversity, Meli wanted to give me an alternative L.A. experience. That included things like taking me to a free concert in MacArthur park on a Sunday afternoon, where families from many different backgrounds and walks of life were just hanging out, enjoying the day.

“Everyone wants to do Hollywood when they come here” she explained, “but this is the real LA.” Sitting there people watching and observing what was going on in the park, I knew that she was right. It felt as if we could be looking back on a scene from a quarter century ago. “Los Angeles, 1990” we joked. It is and always has been, a city of immigrants. Sure, it may also be the dwelling place of the rich and famous that our society holds up so high, but looking beyond the limelight you can see the true magic of L.A. It wasn’t Hollywood that built this city: it was them.

I was seeing it that day front of me, the United States of America that I know and love- that I am. How can we face such brutal intolerance in a place that is and always has been the world’s greatest melting pot?

Of this, there is nothing more telling than the conversation that happened one afternoon around the lunch table at Meli’s house, while I was happily devouring a feast of home-cooked Chinese dumplings, a tradition that required lengthy preparation and a ritual which goes back generations, with the entire family in the kitchen taking part. Her father asked me about my heritage and where my ancestors came from. I automatically rattled off, as all “Americans” can do, the four of five different countries that form my collective ancestry: Greece, Austria, Norway, Ireland. I heard there is even a little Native American in there somewhere. How crazy- a family of Chinese immigrants asking me about my background, over a bowl of dumplings made with all the TLC that goes into tradition. Across the street there was a small market with a line out the door and a man selling street tacos and tamales outside. The Armenian men who run it attempted to communicate with their Latino clientele in broken English. Around the corner there was a Korean church; around the other corner, an Orthodox church. Everyone has a different story about how they got here, because everyone came from somewhere else. It doesn’t matter if it was this generation or two generations before it.


Here’s what La La Land’s got to say about this. Photo Cred Melissa Chen

That is my kind of America.

The thing that I have always loved and appreciated about the United States whenever I have come home from abroad is the great array and breadth of colors, accents, and outward appearances that can be observed here and yet, despite obvious physical differences and unique origins, they can all call themselves American. People in other countries don’t have the concept of heritage quite like we do here, as evident in my friend’s family questioning my roots over lunch. They have been here long enough to know that everyone is from somewhere else somewhere down the line, that’s one of the great hallmarks we can boast of being American- along with, well, ya know…. freedom and equality (duh!) -those human liberties that our country was founded on, and that all of us who were created equal are supposed to get to enjoy.


I saw many signs like this in Portland and LA this summer

I have spent most of the last ten years an expat, and now more than ever it’s hard for me to feel a strong attachment to this country, seeing what is happening here and how the rest of the world regards us. But that visit to L.A. reconnected me with some old feelings of pride for my country at a time when it’s been difficult to conjure them up, reminding me that this is the real America: the melting pot. Some puny politicians and puny people might try to make us fear for that, but at the end of the day, they are just that: Puny. Small. Pathetic. Fortunately, I live in a country where the so-called “minorities” make up the majority. That is truth, and that isn’t going to change. Hate will not win here.



Minimalism and the Joy of Packing Light

If you want to see just how little you actually need as far as things go, I highly recommend backpacking. Nothing will put you to the test like living out of a backpack for 6 months (or longer).hipstamaticphoto-513373145.523072-1

I gave up suitcase-traveling for a good a few years ago, after I bought my first backpacking backpack right before a trip to Europe: A 55 liter Teton sport 3400 that changed travel for me and which I have been using ever since (pictured above). Suddenly, lugging a 50 pound suitcase behind me, getting caught and tripping over jagged, cobblestone streets, and dragging it up flights of stairs was no longer an issue. I could get around faster and with less annoyances.

As an added bonus, you are forced to bring less with you. “Bonus?” you say? Yes, that is to your advantage, because we should all be learning how to live with less. There is something freeing about having less things. The more things you have, the more you have to keep track of. The less you have, the less you have to worry about.

When I was first trying to figure out how to fit everything I needed to travel for six months through various regions with varying climates and temperatures, it was a daunting task. Then I read somewhere that the best thing to do was to lay out everything that you want to take with you, and then get rid of half of it. All the stuff you remove is stuff you don’t really need. And let me tell you, that was some great advice. You really don’t need as much as you think you do.

Now, anyone who looks at this picture of me from my most recent backpacking trip is going to call me a hypocrite, because I’m sure that many would not call this packing light:

Traveling Carly

In my orange pack on my back I have all of my clothes, toiletries and shoes. My Jansport on the front has my laptop and all my teaching materials for work. It looks like a lot but it’s actually worth your while to have a smaller day pack with you no matter what, for the times you go out on excursions and leave your big backpack behind at the hotel, etc. Lots of hotels and hostels will hold you big backpack for you so that you can travel lightly and comfortably to nearby destinations.

I was ecstatic about being able to leave my monster backpack behind at my hostel in Cartagena when I went to the islands of San Andres and Providencia for a week. At the San Andres airport, a fellow American tourist who was on the plane with me was in disbelief that I could be going on a trip for one week with just this little backpack. “Really? That’s all you’re taking for one week?” she gasped. “Give me your camera, I have to take a photo of this.” She snapped the picture and showed it to me. “Look at yourself!”


I look pretty happy, don’t I?

If only she knew the joy I was experiencing being liberated from that big backpack! I was delighted to be able to bring with as little as possible for this week. Luckily, I was going to a beach destination so I didn’t need to bring much in the way of clothes and shoes. Of course, the bulk of your load is affected by the climate of where you are going and what kind of clothing you need to bring. If you are going to Europe in the winter, your clothes and shoes are going to take up a lot more room than if you are going surfing in Bali. Regardless of the weather, I still follow these general rules

-1 big backpack and an extra small, lightweight day pack on the front, like a Jansport

-1 pair of comfy pants that can be worn for hiking or lounging

-1 pair of jeans

-1 pair of hiking/gym shoes, 1 pair of flats, and 1 pair of flip flops

-1 sweater

-Various pairs of socks and underwear

-A few pairs of shorts, a few tops

-1 pair of long underwear and a thermal long-sleeve (to wear as pajamas or go underneath my clothes when I am hiking to stay warm)

-Some travel sized toiletries. I don’t worry too much about toiletries because you can buy most anything along the way. Same goes for bug spray, sunscreen, etc.

-My winter coat can roll up to a small size, so I make it as small as I can and clip it onto the outside of my backpack so it’s not taking up space inside. If you are traveling long term you are bound to go through some places where you will be wanting a coat- even for bus rides in hot countries where they crank the air conditioning to the max- so it’s good to have it with you. You can see what I’m talking about on my backpack in the second, “Traveling Carly” picture on this post.

-Passport, phone, wallet, credit cards, charger. That all goes without saying.

-My favorite travel item that I don’t need but can’t live without out: my travel speaker. It gets a lot of use and is a fun thing to have around in group settings.

Obviously if you are going to a cold weather destination, it would be an extra pair of pants and a few sweaters instead of shorts and tops, boots instead of flip flops, and a hat, gloves and scarf as well. It can still all fit in a backpack.

I had to bring my laptop and teaching materials with me because I was working while traveling but, ordinarily I’d say leave that laptop behind if you can. It will weigh you down and is an extra, valuable item that you will have to watch and worry about as you go. The less valuable things you can have on you the better, and if you do have valuable things, make sure they are always ON you. Don’t put them in your checked luggage, keep them as close to your body as possible.

If you’re worried about being smelly because you inevitably end up wearing the same clothes all of the time (which isn’t as big of a deal as you might think because you are constantly moving and meeting new people who won’t realize you’ve worn that same outfit three times already this week), don’t be, because there are always places to go do your laundry along the way. Most hostels offer a laundry service for just a couple bucks. It’s never a big deal to go find a laundromat and have fresh clean clothes in just a matter of hours.

It took me a few big trips to kind of narrow down what the essentials are for traveling on the long term and traveling light, but I think I definitely have it down to the point now that I can advise other people. Less is more. It might seem scary to bring so little with you on a long term trip but you will be surprised and delighted to discover how little you actually need and how nice it is to have less things to worry about. This is the joy of minimalism and it’s one of the coolest things you can embrace through traveling.


The Girl on the Bus: A Story About Privilege

“Do you need help with something?” she asked as she walked up beside me, noticing the lost look on my face as I stood at the entrance to the bus station of Pisco, Peru.

“I’m looking for the bus to Lima,” I replied turning towards her, happy to see a pretty young Peruvian girl that looked to be about my age.

“Well, you have two options” she explained. “There is a direct bus that is more expensive but faster. It leaves from over there” she pointed. “Or you can take this one which is cheaper but stops at the villages along the way and takes an hour or two longer.”

I thanked her and headed over to the direct line, where the attendant informed me the next direct bus wasn’t leaving for another hour and a half. Realizing that both buses were going to arrive to Lima at more or less the same time, I opted for the one that didn’t require an hour and a half wait in the bus station, and got on the slower, cheaper bus to Lima.

As I settled into my seat, pulling my headphones and laptop out in preparation for isolation, the young girl boarded. We made eye contact and smiled at each other as she walked down the aisle towards me.

“Well, why not?” she said, taking her backpack off and motioning towards the seat next to me. “May I?”

“Of course,” I said, moving my things to the floor to make room for her.

“Thanks,” she replied. She situated herself and pulled out a bag of pastries she had brought with to snack on during the journey. She offered me one, which I accepted gratefully. She explained that food is her job- as a food engineer she is always well-equipped with good snacks, wherever she goes.

“I’m surprised you didn’t take the direct bus,” she said. “The tourists usually take the direct buses because they are safer. The problems occur on these buses that frequently stop to let new people on. Burglars enter all the time. It happened to me…”

She went on to recount an incident that had happened to her just a few months earlier on the same route. She was traveling home to the small village where she grew up and her parent’s still live when a group of delinquents boarded the bus and robbed everyone who was on it. She was forced to hand over her purse and laptop, and only managed to keep her cell phone because as soon as she saw them stand up with guns, she discreetly sat on it.

I listened empathetically to her story. I told her I had heard about these bus robberies being a problem in Latin America, specifically on night buses, but had been lucky enough to avoid such misfortune myself. Considering the fact we were driving primarily through hours and hours of pure desert with nothing and nobody for miles around, it would be pretty easy to get on a bus and rob it. hipstamaticphoto-516220360.192344

This led us into a discussion about the problem of corruption in Latin America and how this long-standing issue has kept them from moving forward in the world, which escalated into a discussion of corruption in politics, environmental awareness, and beyond. The time flew by as we passionately discussed these issues together, as if we were longtime friends who shared the same dreams and ideas. Our lives had been so different but, there we were, laughing and smiling together, interested in talking about the same important topics on the bus ride from Pisco that day.

“So where have you been traveling in Peru?” she asked, curiously.

“Well, right now I’m just coming from Huacachina and Paracas” I told her.

“Ica?! How beautiful!” she beamed.

“Have you been?” I asked.

“No, not yet,” she smiled. “I hope to one day. Where else have you been?”

I explained to her that I was actually at the end of my trip, and how I’d spent the last five months traveling through Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. “Now I’m on my way back to Lima to get my flight home tomorrow,” I sighed, those mixed feelings about going back home arising in me as I said the words.

She asked where my favorite place was that I had seen in Peru. I told her of the places I had been so far, it would be Huaraz and the Santa Cruz trek, but unfortunately I wasn’t able to see as much of Peru as I wanted to this trip. “I ran out of time before I could make it to Macchu Picchu,” I lamented to her. “You must have been,” I assumed out loud.

“No,” she answered, to my suprise. “I would love to travel one day,” she gushed, that dreamy look in her eyes. “But it’s not possible right now. I have to work.”

She went on to explain to me that her parents are no longer employed, so she has been supporting them. Her sister is also unemployed and recently was forced to leave her husband with her two daughters and move back in with their parents. Since she was the only person in her family with work, she was currently supporting herself, her mother and father, her sister and two nieces on her salary.

“Someday,” she smiled, looking off.

I know from my travels around Peru that the average Peruvian salary is around five hundred dollars per month. If I were only making five hundred dollars a month, I wouldn’t be smiling as I talked about having to support my family or my laptop being taken from me. Yet there she was, radiating positivity as she talked about some heartbreaking parts of her life. Where there was positivity to be found in such circumstances, she found it.

This girl hadn’t even been able to travel around her own country, and it seemed unlikely that she will get to anytime soon. But was she upset about it? Hardly. She was well-adjusted and accepting of the situation, and was in no way complaining about her lot in life. Instead, she smiled. She felt blessed that she did have work and happy that she was able to provide for her family.

She was born in a notoriously dangerous neighborhood of Lima- La Victoria- but when she was only a small child, her parents decided to move to the small town a few hours away where she was heading at the moment. They wanted to raise her in a better place, give her a better future.

I grew up in a white, middle-class neighborhood in the United States- which means rich by the rest of the world’s standards. The hardest things that I have had to deal with in my life have been my own inner demons and emotional problems that I have struggled to understand and overcome. No outside oppression has made my life difficult, but yet, it has felt so hard so often. But this girl smiled as she recounted the adversity of outside circumstances in her life that she had to face, as if it was all okay. And I thought of how often, despite my privileged upbringing and lifestyle, I just do not feel that way.

I’m supposed to be “privileged”, due to the circumstances that I was born into, but am I? Or am I at a disadvantage in terms of life satisfaction? When you have everything, when do you have enough to be satisfied? In a society where success is measured monetarily and materialistically, how do you find happiness on the inside? And why is it so much harder for me, the world traveler, than it seems to be for this lovely human being beside me?

Some question how it is that people in less-privileged countries with so little can be so happy. To me it is simple: when you have less, you are happy with less. There are certain basic needs that we need to have met as a human being, like food and shelter for example. People who are focused on meeting those needs don’t really have room to worry about whether or not they feel fulfilled in life. They’re just trying to make it through the day. But for those of us from places where we have all of our basic needs more than accommodated, where do you draw the line at what is satisfactory? What is enough to be content in your life?

It’s always fascinating to me to go to poor countries and meet so many happy souls like this girl, and then come home and hear of so many that are struggling with things like depression and anxiety, myself included. The US has the highest rate in the world for mental illness, and it seems to be climbing every year. I am not in any way trying to say that these aren’t real problems. On the contrary, I know that they are very real. In fact, I think it’s something that needs to be addressed more seriously in our country and around the world. What I’m pointing out is that having too much opens up a whole new set of problems, and that people with less, despite the problem of having so little (if you would call it that), are often much happier inside.

She pulled out a little bag with some makeup in it that she had just purchased, unwrapping a small bottle of hair serum, squeezing a bit into her hands, and rubbing it into the ends of her hair. She looked at me. “You have very curly hair, you know your ends could use some extra moisture.” She handed me the bottle. “Try some of this. I just got it”. I mimicked her actions, applying a small amount to my ends.

I breathed it in. “Mmm. It smells so nice.”

“Keep it,” she told me.

“No, please!” I protested. “You just bought it. I don’t want to take it from you!”

“You like it,” she said. “I insist.”

While I felt bad taking her brand new hair product, I knew that she wasn’t going to take no for an answer, so I tucked the cream in my backpack and thanked her profusely. But I was floored by this girl’s natural inclination to give: asking me if I needed help, sharing her food and her new makeup, not to mention completely supporting her entire family. Would I be so generous to a stranger? If we were to trade lives, would I ever be able to handle what she is going through right now? If my privileged life seems this overwhelming sometimes, could I handle hers?

Sharing hair products, talking about world issues, giggling and smiling at each other: we were girlfriends from completely different worlds. And just like that, two and a half hours had gone by and we were pulling up to her village. If I had gotten on the direct bus, I never would have met her. I was sad to watch her walk awaymy kindred spirit. Some ugly part of my American identity had been exposed over the course of that bus ride, and she left me sitting alone and uncomfortable in my privilege. Like something wasn’t right. I can’t seem to shake the feeling since.




Things Traveling Has Taught Me

It has been said that “travel is the best education a person can give themselves” and I will second that. I think the things I have learned about myself and the world through traveling the last couple years have been infinitely more valuable than the knowledge- much of it long forgotten- that I acquired through years of formal education.


We all experience things uniquely, and everyone will come away with different things from their travels depending on where they are at in their life and what they are looking for. A lot of people travel to learn more about or “discover” themselves; this is inevitable and a huge part of the allure of travel. An entire industry has been built on this romantic notion of travel with the popularity of books like “Eat, Pray, Love” and “Wild”. Of course, self discovery is important too, but I think the things I’ve learned about other people and cultures has been even more important; humbling me and giving me a realistic impression of what this planet that we inhabit is really like.

We are constantly learning, and this list could go on forever and ever for the rest of my life, but, here are some of the most important lessons that I personally have taken away from traveling so far:

The World is Safer than You Think

I’ve been traveling and living abroad for a decade now, but my trip to Southeast Asia last year was the first time I ventured into third world countries. I admit, since I do most of my traveling alone, I was apprehensive about going to countries like this by myself. I’m sorry to admit that I really let the media and those misconceptions we have about such foreign places get to me. Sure, there are the initial culture shocks and things you have to get used to, common sense is always going to be your best friend, but underdeveloped countries aren’t as run down and dangerous as we are often led to believe, and are worthy of a visit a million times over. If you don’t see places like this, you simply don’t have an accurate portrayal of what the world is really like, because way more people on this Earth are living in these kinds of conditions than in the cushy comforts of the first world- things that we most often take for granted.

When I got to Asia, this big step for me, I was astounded at how many nineteen and twenty year old solo backpackers- mostly European and Australian- that I constantly was running into. Many of them were obviously traveling on their parents dime. I would have never been so brave at nineteen or twenty to go to some of these locations on my own, and if I had been, my parents definitely would not have approved. But nowadays, it doesn’t seem so scary, since with the internet one can easily stay in touch with their family and friends every step of the way in their journey, and they don’t seem as far away as they really are. Also so many people are traveling now that, like it or not, you end up on a tourist trail with other travelers, and you are never actually stranded alone.

I wish that we could all just accept the fact that the media wants us to be scared, because it’s in their best interest to keep up feeling that way. With all this bad news, they end up putting us against each other by promoting fear and stereotypes about people and places that are different from us, when what we need to be doing is working together. However, while their business seems to be based on manipulating our perception of the world to keep us in fear of all the danger and the “bad” people out there, I have to say that traveling has shown me the opposite is true: there are more good people out there than bad, and the world is safer than you think.

The Power of a SMILE

I am certain that friendly interactions with people are highly determined by the friendliness that you put out. Nine times out of ten, if you start off any interaction with a person with a smile on your face and a friendly tone, that is what you will get back, and both parties will walk away feeling good about the exchange and happier in general, because friendly, nice exchanges with people- friends and strangers alike- make us feel good and reassure us in the good of humanity.

When traveling, you are quite often put in a position where you may feel helpless (out of your comfort zone) and need to rely on other people for help. In these moments, a smile is everything. People are much more willing to help and more receptive to you in general if you are nice to them. Even besides the fact that you are asking for help, it just feels good to smile and be nice to people. It’s in everyone’s best interest to smile and be kind to each other- for yourself and for the people you meet along the way.

In contrast, I have found the absence of a smile or a scowl to also be quite powerful, and I’d say there is a time and place when this kind of attitude can be used as a tool (as I talked about in my post about traveling alone as a woman) in moment’s when we do not want to talk to someone.

The bottom line is that there is so much power in your smile, facial expressions and attitude, and no matter how bad you might be feeling its worth it to just smile anyways to attract more positivity into your life.


Staying in the Moment and the Value of Slow Travel 

I used to try and have everything planned out before I left, but a trip to Southeast Asia last year changed all of that. In just a little over two months, I traveled to five different countries in Southeast Asia- Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam and Thailand. I remember prior to the trip thinking about the time frame I had and all that I wanted to see and being faced with a decision: to try and see just a couple of places and come back later for the rest, or try and do it all.  I foolishly chose to try and see it all. In the two months I was there I didn’t sleep more than two or three nights maximum in one location, oftentimes just stopping for one night before moving on. I barely got a chance to put my things down and relax. It felt like the whole time, I was just trying to get to the next place instead of enjoying where I was, instead of exploring and getting to know and fully appreciate each place and what it had to offer. This is the beauty and the gift of slow travel.

In hindsight, I would have done that trip differently. Maybe I would have picked two or three of those countries and just a few places in each one. I still feel like I didn’t really get to know Asia. But I learned from this mistake and since then when I plan a trip I plan as little as possible and see what happens. That’s how I ended up spending almost three months in Colombia and consequentially, did not get as far in South America as I originally thought I would. But I don’t regret a second of it, because Colombia was so good there was no reason to rush out of there. That’s the kind of freedom you want to have when your traveling: to be able to stick around longer if you really like a place and soak it in.

This way of travel is contingent on staying in the moment, which is another thing I am learning to do through traveling and is a really important thing to learn to do in life, albeit a difficult one, as we seem to be programmed to worry about what’s next as human beings. But the practice of centering yourself and trying to stay in the moment is a liberating one, just as is having the freedom to stay and enjoy where you are instead of fixating or worrying about where you’re going next.


Stay in the moment

Whatever you Choose, It Will be Right for You

I used to be a huge sufferer of chronic FOMO- that is, Fear Of Missing Out Disorder. There are always times when traveling (and in life in general) when choosing to do one thing requires us to miss out on another, and I couldn’t bear the thought of missing out on something good, and so, decision-making was intensely stressful for me. Like it or not though, we do have to make a choice, and most choices come with their set of potential loss, potentially missing out on something else.  As much as I  wanted to do it all, see it all, not miss out on anything, the reality of being a human being is that we can’t do it all. We have limits. We have to make choices.

I would stress out about decisions that I had to make to the point that it made me sick. But ya know what? Things always worked out. Wherever I ended up going and whatever ended up happening once I made my mind up after all the angst of indecision, I wouldn’t take any of it back now. I was always able to see later on why it had to happen the way that it did and find meaning in the outcome. So the lesson is this: whatever you do end up choosing, you have to trust that it will be the right thing for you. All decisions come with some inherent regret for the lost possibilities of what you did not choose, that’s just a fact of life. But ultimately we can only choose one thing, and so we have to boldly detach ourselves from the could-have-beens and move forward firmly and confidently in the decision that we do make.

I will continue to expand on this list as I continue to live, learn and travel, and I would also be interested to hear reader’s comments on things that they have learned through traveling as well so, feel free to comment!


How Do You Do It? Tips for Making Travel Happen on the Cheap

It’s no secret that nowadays I, like many Digital Nomads have been able to fund my lifestyle by working online from wherever I am traveling. However, as I highlighted in the article I wrote about becoming a Digital Nomad, for a long time before this job fell into my lap I struggled to be able to make travel happen, and I still continue to explore and discover new tricks and tips to save money so that I can sustain traveling long term. Being able to make money while I travel has certainly taken a weight off, but it wouldn’t be enough by itself to travel for long periods of time. Over the years I have come up with an extensive list of tips and tricks that have saved me money and allowed me to keep traveling long term, which I am going to share with you curious readers here. Everybody is talking about working online right now but not everyone has found their dream online job yet. So for those of us who have and haven’t alike, here is a list of money saving tips I have discovered through travel:

1) Travel to Cheap Countries

Most of my traveling the last two years has been in second and third world countries, mostly because they’re still pretty new to me, honestly. The first 8 years I stayed in Europe, Australia, and New Zealand, admittedly because while I knew I loved to travel, I was apprehensive about traveling by myself in less developed countries. Once I started though I immediately realized that no pasa nada- it’s all good (as long as you keep in mind a certain set of guidelines)- and this has opened up a whole new, enormous, exciting world to keep exploring. Besides the fact that these places aren’t as dangerous or run down as we might believe, I also discovered that my money goes way further, I’m talking way, wayyyyy further, than when I am traveling through countries like my own. Not only are the cultural and societal differences far greater and more interesting, but the economy is also a far cry from our own, which means you are going to be paying less for everything than you would in your country and therefore, you can travel longer or even try and do things you wouldn’t be able to afford in another place. It might seem obvious but, you can travel longer and do more by sticking with cheap countries, and at the same time get a deeply enriching cultural experience: that of seeing what it’s like to live with a lot less than you do.


The best Carne Asada tacos of your life for 50 cents?!? Viva Mexico!

2) Don’t have bills

When people from home used to ask me how I was able to do this- traveling all the time- the first thing I would do is implore them to consider how much money they spend per month on bills: rent, car insurance, car payments, cable tv, phone, whatever- and add all that up. I guarantee you I spend less than that traveling each month. I save a ton of money every month just by not having those monthly expenses. I feel like when they ask, people are expecting to hear that I have some kind of a family inheritance or a rich benefactor, neither of which is remotely true. I started working when I was fifteen years old. I have funded all of my traveling and my education by working and saving up, just like everyone else. I haven’t gotten any breaks, I just figured out a way to do this that works for me and that has become my lifestyle. Now the thought of transitioning back to a stationary life with bills and a full time job seems more complicated to me than the lifestyle that I’ve developed, which isn’t an entirely good thing but, that’s for another blog post. The point here is that by eliminating your high, monthly expenditures you free up a lot of money to travel, and depending on where you are in the world that money can go a long way.

3)Travel on a Shoestring

Obviously, that’s what this whole article is about: traveling on a shoestring. But what does that mean? I was surprised to find that the meaning of this phrase escapes not only my friends who don’t speak english as their first language, but even some of my friends and family from home who have never had to travel or do anything “on a shoestring”. It basically means travel on a budget. That means we are not on vacation, we are not splurging, we are trying to make our money stretch as far as it can. Which means things like: staying in hostels and not hotels, taking low cost airlines or buses or trains, preparing meals for yourself with food that you bought from a grocery store instead of eating every meal out, bargaining and looking around and comparing prices for different tours before you buy them. If you were on vacation for just a week or two, you would probably splurge on the finer things. After all you only have two weeks and then it’s back to work… so why not? But if you want to travel long term this just isn’t feasible, you have to make some sacrifices.




Get around like the locals do: wave down a collectivo instead of hiring a taxi


Many places in South America (where the weather is nice) offer hammocks in addition to dorm beds where you can sleep for as little as $5 a night.

4) Volunteer programs, Workaway and Woofing

I listed these sites in my Travel Go-To’s , and here they are again as a way to travel on the cheap. I reckon you could do an entire backpacking trip through a country or continent just hopping from Workaway host to Workaway host (that’s a good idea for a future trip) and never having to pay for accommodation- which is probably the thing you end up spending the most money on while traveling. These programs link hosts who are willing to provide room and board in exchange for a wide variety of services- you can browse them all and apply for the ones that interest you on the website. You usually only have to work 4-5 hours a day, 5 days a week, and in your free time you can explore the area that you’re in. Plus you get the experience of living with a local family and working or volunteering in a foreign country which is invaluable and adds a new dimension to your travels. You’re not just traveling to see things and spend money but to help out and contribute in some way.

5) Sign up for a Charles Schwab account

This is the most valuable travel hack that I learned about too late. Holders of a Charles Schwab bank account do not have to pay ATM fees anywhere in the world. I have paid ATM fee’s as high as $16 per transaction depending on where and how much money I was taking out, so you can see those really start to add up. I would have saved hundreds of dollars in ATM fees if I had found out about this years ago. I’m grateful to have it now though, and to no longer have to worry about these fines every time that I take money out. There is no fee to sign up for a Charles Schwab account and you can do it for free online. It sounds like there has to be a catch but, there isn’t! I’m not sure why more people don’t know about it but I’m sure they will soon as traveler’s are catching on to this sweet travel hack.



My Travel Go-To’s

This is a list of my favorite go-to travel resources. Notice that Lonely Planet guidebook is not one of them. In the internet age, I don’t see any reason to lug around a heavy guidebook – unless you are in a country like Cuba where there is no internet (or it is very limited), in which case, you should be enjoying every second of such a unique situation in which you are completely forced to disconnect. Even in Cuba, I wasn’t regretting the fact that I didn’t have a physical book with me, because there are always other travelers to talk to about where to go and what to do as well as the local people you meet along the way. In fact, I can say adamantly that this is absolutely the best way to travel if you can be okay with the fact you don’t have every step of your trip planned out and set in stone before you leave. This is the way I travel nowadays because I’ve learned over the years the best way to do it is to JUST GO. Make loose plans about where you want to be and when, and then just go with it. Talk to people and see what you find out about what is not to miss and what is. Be open to what comes up. It’s part of the adventure.

Especially when you are traveling by yourself, it’s good to have some resources to go to when you have questions about what you’re doing or need support, or need help making travel possible. Here are my favorites:

1) Join the Facebook group of Wherever You are Going

I list this as my #1 resource on purpose: it is the one I find most helpful and use the most, especially with this last trip that I did. When I started planning my trip to South America, I got tipped off by someone in another travel group to join the “Backpacking South America” group on Facebook. Soon after, I stopped using the other travel groups entirely because this one was so perfect I didn’t need anything else. Here’s how it works: You ask a question to the group about any aspect of your trip, and about 10 people will respond who have just been there and done it and can enlighten you on the subject. At this point, it seems like almost everything has been asked already, so before I ask the group I type the subject of what I’m going to ask about in the search bar to look at past posts that have been made about that topic, and usually I will find my question has been answered there already.

Also, just following the discussion of the group, you can see if any important topics or information comes up that you need to know about for your upcoming travels. For example, right before I left to start my trip in Colombia, someone had posted in the group  that Tayrona National Park was going to be closing for a month at the end of January so that the native people could celebrate their religious festivals. So I rushed right up to Santa Marta as soon as I got into the country to make sure I could get into Tayrona before it closed. Afterwards I met so many disappointed travelers who didn’t know and weren’t able to go to the park- one of the biggest tourist draws of Colombia- because they didn’t know it was going to be closed. That was the first helpful “head’s up”of many; I can’t stress how many times this resource saved my butt while I was traveling down there.

2) Girl’s Love Travel

This was formerly my #1 resource for travel and I talked about it in my piece about traveling as a woman.  It’s another group on Facebook that connects women all over the world who share a passion for travel. It goes beyond just asking and answering travel related or location-specific questions to providing support, encouragement, and empowerment to women who travel. For a lot of women and people, that is what’s standing between them and getting out there: self-doubt or a lack of support, so this resource is very important on a lot of different levels.

3) Trip Advisor

In my Guidelines for South America article, I wrote about the importance of checking Trip Advisor reviews before you book any tour so you know what you are getting into. This also applies for hotels, hostels and restaurants. Check first before you book anything to avoid being disappointed later. I think this is one of the coolest things the internet has given us: the possibility of being able to connect with other people who are doing and interested in the same things that you are and to inform yourself about things which a few decades ago we would have had no other choice but to go into completely blindly. It’s certainly added a new dimension to traveling when you can go into a foreign situation prepared, informed and knowing to a certain extent what to expect.

4) Workaway.com

Websites like Woofing, Workaway, and Helpx are all designed to link travelers with hosts that will offer them room and board in exchange for help with a particular service or job. I like Workaway the most because it has the most diverse offers for help- anything from helping the host learn english to yard and housework to volunteering at hostels. Usually the hosts require a minimum 2 week stay so this is for travelers who have more time on their hands, but it’s an awesome opportunity not only to save money on accommodation, but to get to know local people, other travels and experience living and working in another country. It’s a great jumping off point when you first get to a country to have a place arranged to go to, as well as a place to stop for a while when you’ve been on the move for a long time.

5) Dave’s ESL cafe

This website has an international job board with english teaching opportunities around the world. If you are lucky enough to be a native english speaker with a college degree (and probably even without it depending on the position) you can find a job working abroad easily. The pay is usually well or at least enough to live comfortably in that country. And it’s an opportunity to not only travel but live abroad and work there, which is a completely different experience then just traveling through a place.